Section 1A - Excel Fundamentals You will find that by following a few basic fundamental rules when starting a spreadsheet that you will be able to extract, change, modify, report, add and manipulate data in a way you never thought possible.
Section 1B - Workbooks Every single time you start Excel you are, by default, creating a New Blank Workbook. The name of your Workbook has the default name of Book1, until you save the Workbook as a different name. A Workbook is like the outer shell of the spreadsheet and contained within it are the Worksheet(s) and cells.
Section 1C - Toolbars The Toolbars in Excel are where all of Excel’s features can be accessed. They contain both text and icons (pictures).
Section 1D - Worksheets All Workbooks must contain at least one Worksheet. All Worksheets contains 256 columns and 65,536 rows.
Excel Training Course Lesson 2
Section 2A - Copying or Cutting and Pasting
Copying, Cutting and pasting is something you will no doubt be doing an awful lot of when working in Excel, especially when you start to use formulas to perform calculations.
Section 2B - Inserting Rows, Columns and Cells
When working in Excel, there are times that you may need to insert an entire new row, an entire new column or only a single cell. Although the term Inserting gives the impression that you are actually adding another row, column or cell, you are in fact NOT.
Excel Training Course Lesson 3
Section 3A - Custom Formatting
In this lesson we will look at how Excel sees Dates and Times and how formatting a cell affects the data within it.
Section 3B - The Undo/Redo Feature
As with most Microsoft Office applications, Excel contains a very handy feature that allows us to Undo or Redo certain steps we have taken.
Excel Training Course Lesson 4
Section 4 - The basics for Formulas
In this lesson we will start to take a look at what Excel does best and that is; work with formulas.
Excel Training Course Lesson 5
Section 5 - Useful Functions & the Insert Function
This lesson will illustrate the commonly used Functions and go into some detail on the Excel Insert Function.
Excel Training Course Lesson 6
Section 6 - How Excel Calculates
One of the fundamental things that you must know about Formulas and Functions is the method in which Excel performs calculations. We will not go into any great detail in this, but there are some basics all Excel users need to know.
Excel Training Course Lesson 7
Section 7 - Effective Printing
Printing is an essential part of Excel. Even in these days of a paperless office, we need to be able to efficiently present data that people can understand and use to it’s fullest capacity. In Excel, you can access the Page Setup dialog box via the File menu and have access to all the print options. This lesson covers the print options in details.
Excel Training Course Lesson 8
Section 8 - Sorting
Data sorting is an extremely handy and versatile feature within Excel. Excel allows you to sort Worksheet data alphabetically, numerically or chronologically. This lesson discuss sorting in details.
Excel Training Course Lesson 9
Section 9 - Creating a Spreadsheet, Charting it and Password Protection
In this day and age charts are widely used in business to represent data in another way apart from just digits in a Worksheet. Charts can add colour and style to a presentation and allow the reader to easily identify the trends and patterns that you may wish to relay. Charts can be created in a number of ways, but if you have never created a chart before, the Chart Wizard within Excel is probably the best way to start.
Excel Training Course Lesson 10
Section 10 -
In this lesson we thought we would look at one of Excels most useful Functions, the IF Function and Nesting. The term nesting in Excel means using the result of one Function as the argument of another.